Monday, July 13, 2015

Can Mormons Drink Coke?

An illustration of when the beloved LDS Prophet
received revelation regarding the Word of Wisdom.

     Mormons are not really known for their dietary scriptures.  In fact I would be willing to bet that unless you have ties to the LDS church, all you know is that Mormons don't drink coffee or alcohol.  So it may (or may not) surprise you to know that Mormons are supposed to follow a somewhat strict set of dietary rules called "The Word of Wisdom."  Now, the actual doctrine can be found in the Doctrine and Covenants Section 89, along with an overview of how it came about.  Even though I will highlight what it says, feel free to check my source and see for yourself.

No Alcohol 
(D&C 89:5-7)
     Mormons are not to drink any wine or strong drink, which includes hard liquor and beer.  The prophet further declared that the only use for alcohol is to wash your bodies.  So, if you are a Mormon and you use those hand sanitizing things, you're fine.  However, don't drink it.  Not only would it literally kill you - seriously, it's a different type of alcohol, don't do it - but Joseph Smith said not to put it in your belly.

No Tobacco 
(D&C 89:9)
     Smoking is surprise here.  This revelation was later understood to caution against the use of any illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription drugs.  While not explicitly written in the revelation, church officials believe the overall intent was to imply the sanctity of the body and prevent the induction of harmful chemicals into the body.  However, though you can't consume tobacco is can be used to help sick livestock.

No Hot Drinks 
(D&C 89:9)
     This is the verse that most closely relates to coffee and, believe it or not, Coca-Cola.  It says that they are not to consume "hot drinks."  Most Mormons hold that his verse is talking about coffee or tea, since it is primarily consumed while 'hot'.  But is it really that any drink that is above say 90 degrees off limits?  What if we just let it sit and get to room temperature?  Can we drink it then?  What about iced coffee?  Sweet ice-tea? How about a nice cup of hot chocolate on Christmas day?  Now, I know many members who won't even look at a cup of coffee, but still they drink hot chocolate.  Where is the line then?  I was always taught that the reason Joseph Smith banned coffee or tea was because of the caffeine.  Therefore since the reason behind the revelation was believed and taught to prevent the consumption of addicting substances (like caffeine) it then morphed and spread to the consumption of soda, even though no person in their right mind would ever drink a hot soda.  However, this is all conjecture.  Therefore, the answer to the title question "Can Mormons drink coke?" is an absolute and definite "maybe."

Fruits and Herbs are Good 
(D&C 89:10-11)
     Mormons can eat fruits and herbs out there, which includes vegetables.  However, it says all "wholesome" herbs are good.  It does not say all herbs are good.  There is a difference!  The prophet's revelation says you're safe as long as you are thinking about what you are eating and harvesting them in season.

Eat Meat...Just Not A Lot 
(D&C 89:12-13)
     This is the one that, as far as I could see, was NEVER followed.  I think most Mormons, when asked, would say they do follow this and would claim to eat it sparingly.  However, members place their own definition on the word 'sparingly.'  The passage then goes on to clarify what it means to eat meat sparingly.  It continues to direct members to only eat meat in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.  Pretty sure the answer would be a lot different if you defined sparingly as the LDS scriptures do.  I personally never followed this part of the Word of Wisdom when I was Mormon.  In fact, none of my friends did, and as far as I know/see none of my current LDS friends do nor any of my LDS family members.  So...yeah....

Whole Grains
(D&C 89:14-17)
     There are no restrictions to eating grains.  In fact it's quite the opposite.  Wheat and grains are to be the main staple of the human diet, along with fruits and herbs (and the implied vegetables).  So, no going on the Atkins diet if you are LDS.  

Benefits (D&C 89:18-21)
     God is supposed to have said that if one was to adhere to all of these rules, they would receive "health in their naval and marrow to their bones" as well as gaining spiritual knowledge.  The LDS then quotes the prophet Isaiah as further promised prosperity.  "...and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint."  (c.f.  Isaiah 40:31).  They then reference the Passover story by saying that "...the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen." 

My Two Cents
     I have nothing against dietary rules.  Promoting living healthily is a good thing.  I too believe your body is a gift from God and that you should take care of it.  Since nowhere in this passage is salvation even mentioned, these rules are not meant to save but to sanctify.  And that is totally cool.  I don't even have a problem with the LDS church making adherence to these sets of rules a requirement for admittance into their temple.  Well, that's not true.  I have a bit of an issue regarding that but nothing I'd write a blog about or anything.  Well...maybe later.
     As you may or may not know, Mormonism teaches that following these rules is a requirement to gain entrance into their temples, a place that is extremely sacred and secret.  This means that they are not suggestions, but rather commands from God.  Yet, as I've said earlier, some of these rules are simply glossed over, and not the ones that are slightly obscure either.  Church officials will refuse a recommend if a member smokes or drinks, but not if they eat meat everyday, or are on a low-carb diet, or drink tea (my dad is English and loved to drink tea and he had one), or are even overweight for that matter.  This picking and choosing of which laws they should follow is an example of weak theological practice.  I mean, if you have a set of rules given to you by a prophet of God then you should follow those rules wholeheartedly.  If God really did tell Joseph to tell his people to follow this law, then it needs to be followed all the way.  The simple fact is that it isn't.
     It's just baffling to me to have a set of laws that are clearly important and yet clearly being bypassed and ignored, and yet still being something that Mormons swear by!  They hypocrisy of it all is pretty frustrating.  I have friends that will not drink, smoke, or get Starbucks but yet they will come to my BBQ, drink soda and not bat an eye.  It's...just...weird.

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